Crowns & BridgesAll Ceramic (Metal Free)Full Contour Zirconia Indications:
Full Contour Zirconia offers your patients an aesthetic all-ceramic, metal-free alternative that mimics the characterization and translucency of natural teeth. Available in high translucency shades for superior aesthetics. Layered Zirconia Indications:
Lithium Disilicate Shaded (posteriors only) or Layered (anteriors only) Indications:
High-strength lithium disilicate ceramic can be used for full-contour restorations. It provides an esthetic result and can be produced in different levels of translucency depending on the situation. Porcelain Fused to Metal CeramicsIndications:
Using advanced technology combined with hand layering of porcelain, we produce traditional porcelain-fused to metal restorations with the most natural and lifelike look. Because PFMs require more space, they are contraindicated for cases with limited interocclusal or interproximal space. This restoration can be used for any position in the mouth. Full CastGold, Semi-Precious, and Non-Precious Indications:
FirstFit All Ceramic (Metal Free)Full Contour Zirconia Indications:
2801 Capital Street